In their journey through our secondary school (last year of Primaria to the end of Preparatoria), students are in a pivotal phase of their development as people. This period is not only marked by an ever-increasing academic demand but also by significant personal growth. During these years, students undergo physical and psychological changes, as well as transformations in how they learn and interact with one another.
While supporting our students to reach their potential academically is undoubtedly important, nurturing positive behaviour and supporting their development as individuals is equally important. At the Edron Academy, fostering positive behaviour is a cornerstone of a student’s overall success and well-being. We accomplish this through a simple yet effective approach: “catching them being good”.
When we talk about catching students being good, we recognise that behaviour covers a wide spectrum of actions and that recognising and modelling desired behaviours is a powerful tool in communicating expectations and boundaries. Our dedicated staff keenly observes moments when students meet or exceed high behavioural standards or when they demonstrate one or more of the school values through their actions.
Public recognition and celebration of these behaviours is vital in establishing school norms. We employ various methods for achieving this, including a house point system, awards for recognition of attainment and effort in all subjects during school assemblies as well as weekly recognition of student achievements during Bandera each Monday. This has a profoundly positive impact on the entire school environment, as students see good behaviour being recognised and rewarded and then feel empowered and motivated to exhibit these desired behaviours.
One of the main benefits of promoting positive behaviour is the creation of a nurturing learning environment. When students feel safe, respected, and valued, they are more likely to actively engage in their education. A positive school environment encourages students to express themselves, ask questions, and take risks on their learning journey.
This is very closely linked to academic success since when students respect their teachers, peers, and themselves, they are more inclined to seek assistance when needed, collaborate on projects, and participate actively in classroom discussions. This sense of cooperation and respect can significantly enhance their academic achievements.
Our school recognises the importance of establishing, communicating and enforcing clear boundaries for students and with their time split between home and school it is essential that the connection between school and home reinforces these boundaries. All adults must model the desired values and virtues at all times. This means communicating respectfully and with kindness, and carefully combining assertiveness with warmth when addressing behaviours which fall below expectations.
At the Edron Academy, we work tirelessly to create a supportive, respectful, and inclusive learning environment that benefits our students in numerous ways, from academic success and personal growth to mental and emotional well-being. Moreover, it equips them with essential life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. As our school’s mission emphasises, our educational institution is not only about imparting academic knowledge. When students are taught the value of respect, responsibility, and ethical behaviour, they are more likely to become active and engaged members of their communities. This positively impacts society as a whole.
Hellen De Lima
Head of Secondary