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¿Por qué mi hijo/a mezcla Español e Inglés? Como papás nuestra prioridad es amar a nuestros hijos y darles las mejores herramientas para enfrentar el mundo. Una de estas herramientas es el uso de dos o más idiomas, razón por la cual escogemos el Edron 
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Here at the Edron our philosophy is that as children grow and develop not only intellectually but also as humans. Therefore, in Kinder and throughout the school, our core business is supporting children to develop skills and capacities such as empathy, self-regulation, respect for others, 
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In the ever-changing field of education, educators are continuously exploring evidence-based strategies grounded in our current understanding of metacognition to optimise student learning. Through metacognition students and teachers gain an awareness and understanding of their thought processes and the techniques that can be used to 
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As the Environmental Committee in this article, we want to approach Water Day in order to give awareness about water consumption in our Community. World Water Day is an initiative by the United Nations that tackles the global water crisis. It is focused on creating 
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In their journey through our secondary school (last year of Primaria to the end of Preparatoria), students are in a pivotal phase of their development as people. This period is not only marked by an ever-increasing academic demand but also by significant personal growth. During 
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Duelo en niños. Vivir un proceso de duelo es inevitable en la vida de cualquier persona y no es la excepción en los niños, el proceso de duelo se refiere a enfrentar y procesar la pérdida de un ser querido como un familiar, amigo, mascota 
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Water is at the heart of our planet and all the life that springs from it. It courses through our rivers, lakes, oceans, and underground reservoirs. Water sustains us, connecting us in ways that transcend borders and cultures. Yet, as we gather on March 22nd 
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En The Edron Academy organizamos un desayuno de exalumnos como parte de los festejos por nuestro 60 aniversario. Un momento para convivir y recordar viejos y buenos tiempos juntos. Nos complació en gran manera recibir a parte de quienes fueron parte de nuestra historia como 
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“Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I can assure you, it is much, much more important than that.” – Bill Shankly In 1824, a century before the inaugural World Cup took place, a group of miners known as the Company 
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A good critical thinker goes on to build a meaningful life for themselves and those around them. Such a person requests evidence to make reasoned arguments and arrive at a judgment, avoiding fallacies. Reasoning is the conscious, deliberate and rational evaluation of arguments according to 
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