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Se tiende a pensar la educación multicultural como una abstracción sólo posible en foros amplios y teóricos de discusión pedagógica, así como en discursos de grandes organizaciones internacionales, o de la presentación de un programa de políticos en turno. Pocas veces llegamos a entender cómo 
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By Mike Smith I had a real life outside of the classroom before joining the teaching profession. My first few jobs were with various water utility companies in the U.K., largely dealing with river pollution and wastewater treatment. I always had an interest in science 
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Here at the Edron Academy we have recently made a decision to switch to a new teaching and learning scheme in our Maths curriculum. You may wonder why. Why change what isn’t broken? What was wrong with the way I learnt it? Can’t some things 
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Here at the Edron Academy we have recently made a decision to switch to a new teaching and learning scheme in our Maths curriculum. You may wonder why. Why change what isn’t broken? What was wrong with the way I learnt it? Can’t some things 
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Here at the Edron Academy we have recently made a decision to switch to a new teaching and learning scheme in our Maths curriculum. You may wonder why. Why change what isn’t broken? What was wrong with the way I learnt it? Can’t some things 
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Se vienen ya las vacaciones de Pascua, después del encierro obligado por la pandemia, es más frecuente ver que las familias comienzan sus preparativos para pasar estos días fuera de casa. Los más cautos, piensan en como dejar asegurada su casa, con alarmas, cámaras o 
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Se vienen ya las vacaciones de Pascua, después del encierro obligado por la pandemia, es más frecuente ver que las familias comienzan sus preparativos para pasar estos días fuera de casa. Los más cautos, piensan en como dejar asegurada su casa, con alarmas, cámaras o 
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What’s the point of particle physics? Particle physics makes up a large component of the IB course for physics, and it can often be a source of equal parts fascination and frustration for students. The fascination comes from the fact that this can be a 
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What’s the point of particle physics? Particle physics makes up a large component of the IB course for physics, and it can often be a source of equal parts fascination and frustration for students. The fascination comes from the fact that this can be a 
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Bertrand Russell (May 18th, 1872 – February 2nd, 1970) was a British philosopher, mathematician, pacifist, humanitarian, Nobel laureate, linguist, humanist, social activist and political prisoner (among other things). At heart, however, he was a teacher, holding teaching positions at The London School of Economics and 
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