
To the Primary School at The Edron Academy


We are proud to provide a friendly, happy and creative environment where all children are inspired to learn and develop an inquisitive and globally conscious mindset.

Our team of international teachers bring a wealth of expertise to enable the children to grow both academically and socially in a positive and caring setting.

The Edron Values underpin all that we do and are evident in the daily routines of both pupils and staff. They are also at the heart of our pastoral program, which enables children to speak openly and honestly about their emotions, secure in the knowledge that they will be supported and encouraged in all aspects of school life.

Students at the Edron are empathetic, independent and driven. They are encouraged to question and evaluate, to develop metacognitive skills through collaboration and investigation, and to challenge preconceptions. They learn actively, through projects and group activities, both inside the classroom and outside in our open green spaces.

Explore our website to find out more about the ways in which we create an aspirational and convivial atmosphere where every student is given the tools to succeed.

Our Curriculum

We believe that all children have the potential to achieve great things. Our curriculum is designed to inspire children, through skills-based teaching, to become confident, thoughtful and inquisitive learners.

In Primary we have consolidated the content of the UK National Curriculum with the Mexican education programmes to create a bicultural curriculum which ensures continuity and progression from year to year and optimum use of curriculum time in all areas.

Our project-based learning program enables students to make cross-curricular links as they work towards a meaningful end goal in each unit of work. Whether children are creating a musical score for a film, designing a sculpture for an art exhibition or programming an interactive video game, their learning is always built on a foundation of transferable skills.

We follow the Talk for Writing programme in literacy, wherein pupils develop their writing skills through oracy and reading, acquiring a toolkit of language and sentence patterns that they can apply to any genre of writing. In reading, we use literacy circles, where students challenge one another, delving deeper into the texts they read and forming a true understanding of both content and form.

Our mathematics curriculum is based on the principles of mastery mathematics, as best evidenced in the teaching systems of Singapore and other Asian countries. In Years 2 to 4, children follow the Maths No Problem! scheme of work. In Years 5 & 6, children use White Rose Maths. In both cases, the programs teach children mathematical concepts through the use of material resources and models, ensuring that the abstract is made real and tangible.

The SEP curriculum is condensed to give children a thorough understanding of literacy, oracy and the humanities in Spanish. Our SEP teachers are vastly experienced and truly operate at the vanguard of teaching and learning in Mexico.

Our programme of day visits and camps gives the children the opportunity for social and academic learning away from the classroom. The opportunity for fieldwork and practical tasks allows children to develop a curiosity about their environment as well as teaching them to become more observant and thoughtful.


Mexican System

Year 2

1o. de Primaria

Year 3

2o. de Primaria

Year 4

3o. de Primaria

Year 5

4o. de Primaria

Year 6

5o. de Primaria

The school has a bicultural agreement with the Mexican Education Secretariat (SEP) which allows us to teach all core subjects in English following the UK National Curriculum. Spanish language and the Mexican programmes of study for geography and history are taught by Mexican teachers.

All members of our staff are fully qualified and experienced and we are officially registered and incorporated with the Mexican education authorities.

The Primary school begins in Year 2 (first grade in the Mexican system) and ends in Year 6 (fifth grade). Pupils receive the Mexican Primary certificate at the end of this year 7 (sixth grade).

The school policy on class size is a maximum of 25 pupils per group. This enables us to identify and respond to a variety of learning styles and provide differentiated activities according to individual and group necessities.

We encourage active collaboration between home and school and there is regular contact with parents at open evenings, parent conference days and meetings, as well as through written reports.


A variety of events takes place throughout the year to support and enhance the academic programmes.

We give special importance to reading and have a reading week and book fair each year.

Extra-curricular clubs held after school, under the banner of Edron Plus, include chess, science, singing, crafts, dance, tae-kwon-do, drama and cookery.

There are several whole-school events such as the Christmas concert, art exhibition, sports day, children’s day, and various fairs. Children also share their learning and achievements at assemblies and presentations of projects.

Lower Primary (Years 2, 3 & 4)

Students in Lower Primary years study a broad curriculum that aims to shore up the foundations built in Kinder and develop an impressive array of critical thinking and metacognitive skills alongside a firm structure of knowledge and understanding.

In Years 2 and 3, children study phonics daily as a means of reinforcing reading, writing, and spelling skills. They learn to produce joined-up handwriting and to value the presentation of their work.

In Years 2, 3 and 4, students study mathematics, literacy, guided reading, physical education, history, geography, science, PSHE, music, computing and art. These lessons make up roughly 70% of the daily timetable. The rest of the time is dedicated to the SEP curriculum, taught in Spanish.

Upper Primary (Years 5 & 6)

Students in Upper Primary at the Edron Academy operate with a fluency of language that enables them to engage in profound learning opportunities across a range of subjects. Children learn to write critically, discursively and in a sophisticated voice that reflects a deep understanding. They work together in groups to resolve problems, complete projects and deliver presentations. Most importantly, they hone their independent learning skills ahead of their ascension to Secondary.

In Years 5 and 6, students study mathematics, literacy, guided reading, physical education, history, geography, science, PSHE, music, computing and art. These lessons make up roughly 70% of the daily timetable. The rest of the time is dedicated to the SEP curriculum, taught in Spanish.

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Our main goal is to educate
our students as independent thinkers:
creative and analytical, capable of solving problems.

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